Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Achievers September 2009!!

Yuk..tunggu apalagi?
Masih banyak lagi fasilitas keren akan Anda dapatkan bila bergabung bersama d’BC Network!!
Segera klik Daftar Disini, Sekarang juga yaaa!!”


New Diamond Director dr Jakarta: Nadia M. Yuniardo



New Senior Gold Director dr Jakarta: Dini Shanti



New Gold Director dr Jogja: Christina Yulianti




New Director dr Jakarta: Maharani Winarta


New Director dr Jakarta: Widya Puteri


New Director dr Jakarta: Reynawati



Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mt Bromo


What is Squido?

Squidoo is a kind of friendly website where you can set up a page (called a lens) on really any topic that you like and/or know about. You can put in pictures and choose to have various kinds of ads on your page. All free. They pay you if you have traffic and if anyone buys from the ads on your page. You can choose to keep the money or direct all or some of it to charity. They have a referral system as well and you can even choose what level you want payout at - starting at $1 if I remember correctly. It's really fun aside from anything else and if you are a business person it's a good place to put up an (interesting) ad for your goods and services - it can be very good for traffic. It really is easy to use and there are a heap of tutorials - just remember to save as you go through each section or you may lose your masterpiece in the making.

Squidoo's lens are one page website that you can write on any topic you want or like. You can even add images, lists and other content elements to make your page more interesting. You make money when people visit your squidoo page (also call lens) and click on the google advertisement on your lens. Google advertisement is shared between you and squidoo and payout is through PayPal (http://www.paypal.com) Minimum payout is just US$1.

You can sign up for an account using my links and we BOTH can earn an extra US$5 when you make US$15.

Join Now!

Wow, this headline caught my attention.

It's very hard to make huge raking-in-the-dough money on Squidoo, just as it is on Cafepress or many other user-submitted-content type sites.

On the other hand, I made enough on Squidoo last year with about 50 lenses that I'm now having to pay taxes on it.

Come to think of it, that means I probably made more on my silly Squidoo lenses than some people on their 401Ks. And I'm not even trying to monetize mine! I get $$ from the adsense revenue, from clicks on my Amazon modules, and that's about it. I'm mostly using Squidoo as a fun platform to write interesting articles about my passions, using all its fun Web 2.0 multimedia goodness.

And I*still* make about $60-100 a month.

Not bad for someone who isn't trying. I know there are some who make thousands of dollars a month with it, but that's rare.

It's not a scam, but like anything else, you reap what you sow.:D

Proceed... if you dare!

Proceed... if you dare!

Squidoo is addicting. Perhaps we need a warning label! I love the opportunity to create my own page on the fly. As well as the ability to send my earnings to charity. --Julianne Gentile

Hi, I'm Kate

Hi, I'm Kate

I love having my "Funky Chic and Cool Laptop Bags" lens on Squidoo. It sends some great traffic to my blog, and even helps fund my Valleyschwag habit. (It's also really easy to use and update!)

--Kate Trgovac

Get found. Get famous.

Get found. Get famous.

Today I decided to Google my Squidoo topics... several of them are either on the first page of Google, or the second.

I have competitors out there who have been at this for a long time, with a lot of backing, and they are NOT ON GOOGLe's FIRST PAGE, BUT I AM! It just blows my mind...

--Margaret Schaut

A little competition never hurt anyone...

A little competition never hurt anyone...

Being the Lens of the Day brought a ton of people to the lens (and indirectly to my site). Thanks Squidoo!--Shea Gunther

Get discovered!

Get discovered!

Squidoo has what I like to call "Google Juice." My websites that have been low ranking for years are now found on the first page of Google!

--Kimberly Dawn Wells

You're crazy not to!

You're crazy not to!

Every author, speaker, expert, blogger, entrepreneur and businessperson would be crazy NOT to do this!

--Scott Ginsberg



I am completely in love with Squidoo. But I realize that marriage between man and website is considered weird, so I will just keep using squidoo to generate incredible traffic to all my websites! -- Lewis Smile

Squidoo is not like any other site on the web. You create lenses and yes you do get paid for referrals.
A lens is sort of like a blog, but different...here check out this lens and you'll see what I mean:


Squidoo pays based on views and you can also add what they call modules and get paid for those...they have Amazon Ebay and lots more and when someone orders something after visiting your site you get a percentage of the amount they paid.

It's pretty cool and they do pay, I've been paid by them almost every month for a year now. The only times I didn't get paid was when I didn't make enough that month to cashout, but they take that money and roll it over to the next month earnings so you still get the money.

Watch out though because it's very addicting. If you want to join under someone you can send me a PM and I'll send you my link.

Let me put a bit of a correction here. Anything over 85,000 in lensrank gets paid. Any lenses that falls below that does not. Other sites do based off of views which sometimes I wish they would do or expand the tiers a bit so more lenses can go into the tiers and get paid. I've been there for over a year and each month the money I make there has gone up.

Yeah you can get paid for referrals. Just look at my profile and I link to referral code. I guess you can say that Squidoo is a mixture between a blog and a wiki in a sense. You create what are lenses. The key to success there is to write lenses that are unique that put a little of you in it. Those usually rank really well.

There is a lot to learn over at squidoo. They are constantly trying to change thing to improve the site. Sometimes I like it and sometimes I don't. They value feedback. Bug reports if you end up having any do sometimes take a while to fix due to them having a small support staff.

Money is based off of lensrank.
Tier 1 - 1 to around 2,000
Tier 2 - 2,001 to around 8,000
Tier 3 - 8,001 to around 85,000

From time to time, they do change the tiers a bit. Before I had started there it used to be up to 100,000 for tier 3.

It usually takes a couple months to pay out. If your lens is published at the beginning of a month compared to the middle of the month or end of month, you have more of a chance at it ranking at least tier 3. So if you start in october, you won't see payday until December if you make enough money.

The default setting is $10 but you can set it as low as $1 for payout.

Squidoo is not easy money. It takes time and effort. The real money on the site is through sales through amazon and other sites.

Lenses are great if you want to be creative. There is a lot to learn.

I have been there for over a year and have made their Giant squid program which means I have over 50 quality lenses and have the badge to prove that. I am also a citizen squid over there where I mentor in the HTML and CSS area.

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